On January 16, 2025, Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan faced an unimaginable ordeal when he was brutally attacked at his Bandra residence. The assailant inflicted multiple stab wounds to Saif’s neck and back, leaving the actor in a critical condition. However, after undergoing emergency surgery at the renowned Lilavati Hospital, Saif’s condition has improved significantly, and he is now stable and on the road to recovery.

In the wake of this terrifying incident, Saif’s family has rallied around him with unwavering support. His ex-wife Amrita Singh, son Ibrahim Ali Khan, daughter Sara Ali Khan, and close friend Salman Khan have all been by his side, offering emotional and physical support throughout this challenging time.


Amrita Singh, in particular, has been deeply affected by the attack. Sources close to the family revealed that she has been seen crying frequently, unable to fully grasp the magnitude of the event. Despite their separation, Amrita has always maintained a strong bond with Saif, and her emotional response reflects the deep love and concern she has for the father of her children. Her presence at the hospital has been a pillar of strength for Saif, providing him with comfort during his recovery process.

Sara Ali Khan, Saif’s daughter, has also been a constant source of support, sitting by her father’s side and encouraging him as he begins his healing journey. Salman Khan, a longtime friend of Saif’s, has been providing emotional backing to the entire family, offering words of encouragement and ensuring that Saif’s recovery is a priority.

While Saif is still recovering, his spirits remain high. In fact, he has been asking his doctors when he will be able to return to work and resume his gym sessions. His desire to get back into his routine shows his determination and strength, both physically and mentally, as he battles through this traumatic experience.

Doctors are optimistic about Saif’s full recovery, and he is expected to be discharged from the hospital within the next two to three days. His family continues to stay close, ensuring he has the care and support he needs during this time.

As Saif Ali Khan moves forward with his recovery, the unwavering support of his family—especially from Amrita Singh, Sara Ali Khan, and Salman Khan—has been a testament to the strength of their relationships and the love that binds them together.