The auto driver who rushed Saif Ali Khan to the hospital after the January 16 stabbing incident has been honoured with a Rs 11,000 reward for his selfless actions. The auto driver had earlier revealed how despite his injuries, the actor remained composed, walking into the hospital unaided.

Saif Ali Khan Attacked: Auto Driver rescued the actor, shared chilling details of the incident
Credit: X

The shocking incident of Saif Ali Khan being stabbed not only sent tremors through the Bollywood fraternity but also left the entire nation reeling. It was unimaginable that a prominent Bollywood star, presumably protected by high-level security, could face such a breach. The actor’s home was infiltrated, and the intruder managed to attack him, raising serious questions about the effectiveness of security measures.

In the aftermath of the incident, surprising details emerged. According to reports, Saif was rushed to the hospital not in a private vehicle or ambulance but in an auto-rickshaw. News24 has now reported that the auto driver who transported him in this moment of crisis has been recognised and rewarded by an institution for his timely help.

Rs 11,000 for good deeds

According to reports, the auto driver has been honoured with a reward of Rs 11,000 for his commendable actions.

Earlier, it was revealed that the driver had refused to accept any payment from Saif Ali Khan for his selfless service during the emergency.

What the auto driver said

Bhajan Singh Rana, the autorickshaw driver who took Saif Ali Khan to Lilavati Hospital, recalled the harrowing moment when the actor’s white kurta was soaked in blood.


“I was near Saif’s building when I suddenly heard urgent calls for help,” Rana shared, adding that he didn’t initially recognise the actor. “It was only when we reached the hospital, and he calmly asked the guard to bring a stretcher, that he said, ‘I am Saif Ali Khan.'”

During the tense situation, Saif, accompanied by a young boy, showed remarkable composure. “He wasn’t scared. He walked into the auto and sat by himself, bleeding but calm. Even at the hospital, he walked in on his own,” Rana recounted, admitting that he was so impressed by Saif’s bravery that he refused to accept any payment for the ride.

Doctors at Lilavati Hospital also attested to Saif’s remarkable courage, describing his arrival as nothing less than heroic.

“He walked in like a lion,” they said.

Despite the severity of his injuries, his spirit remained undeterred. Investigations revealed that the attacker had broken into Saif’s home intending to rob but ended up in a violent confrontation with the actor, who valiantly defended his family and staff.